英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:59:42
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1. to wash or wipe with or as if with a mop

e.g. Mop the hallway now
He mopped her forehead with a towel

Synonym: mop upmop

1. (用布)擦掉,擦去
If you wipe up dirt or liquid from something, you remove it using a cloth.

e.g. I spilled my coffee all over the table and Mom leaned across me to wipe it up...
e.g. Wipe up spills immediately.

1. wipe up的意思

1. (掀帘子见客):Circle out(圆形外散) 3 | Wipe up(掀帘子见客) 4 | Wipe down(下台一鞠躬) 5

2. wipe up什么意思

2. 向上擦除:3 Circle out 圆形扩大 | 4 Wipe up 向上擦除 | 5 Wipe down 向下擦除

3. wipe up是什么意思

3. 用抹布把......擦干净:wipe off 擦去,除掉 | wipe up 用抹布把......擦干净 | whisper v.低声说

4. 揩擦干净:wipe out 把...的内部擦净擦去封闭划出(电视 | wipe up 揩擦干净 | wipe 揩擦擦去

Use glass cleaning agents from the surface of the mirror wipe one end to the other side, should wipe up, down, left and right away until all covered so far.(用玻璃清洗剂从镜面的一端擦到另一端,应上下左右擦拂直至覆盖全部为止。)
Cleanness USES clear water or neuter scour please, use cloth wipe up finally, lest the ground slips.(清洁请用清水或中性洗涤剂,最后用布擦干净,以免地滑。)
Wipe up the mess with a cloth.(拿块抹布把那些脏东西擦掉。)
If I wash the dishes will you wipe up?(要是我来洗碟子,你肯把它们擦干吗?)
You should wipe up slops first.(你应先把污水揩掉。)
Please wipe up the spilt milk.(请把溅出来的牛奶擦干净。)
Use the rag in your pocket to wipe up excess water along the bottom edge of the window.(用前口袋中的布,沿着窗户的底端,将多余的水份擦去。)
As soon as the towel hit my face, I realised it was the towel we used to wipe up my dog's pee.(当毛巾刚碰到脸上的时候我才意识到这条毛巾是我们用来擦我们家狗狗的小便的。)
Applicable for cleaning the various mould, pipes and wipe up the bowl, dish and table in the restaurant. Sterilize and sanitization by boiling.(可适用于各模具的清洗、图挤出管清洗拭净,以及餐厅碗碟桌面的清洁,并可煮沸消毒以保证卫生。)
Wipe your feet well, or track up my new rug.(把脚擦干净,要不就会踩脏我的新地毯。)
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